A Room in the Palace. |
Enter DUKE FREDERICK, Lords, and Attendants. |
Duke F. Can it be possible that no man saw them? |
It cannot be: some villains of my court |
Are of consent and sufferance in this. |
First Lord. I cannot hear of any that did see her. |
The ladies, her attendants of her chamber, |
Saw her a-bed; and, in the morning early |
They found the bed untreasur'd of their mistress. |
Sec. Lord. My lord, the roynish clown, at whom so oft |
Your Grace was wont to laugh, is also missing. |
Hisperia, the princess' gentlewoman, |
Confesses that she secretly o'erheard |
Your daughter and her cousin much commend |
The parts and graces of the wrestler |
That did but lately foil the sinewy Charles; |
And she believes, wherever they are gone, |
That youth is surely in their company. |
Duke F. Send to his brother; fetch that gallant hither; |
If he be absent, bring his brother to me; |
I'll make him find him. Do this suddenly, |
And let not search and inquisition quail |
To bring again these foolish runaways. [Exeunt. |
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