
The complete text of Shakespeare's Pericles, Prince of Tyre
ANTIOCHUS, King of Antioch.
PERICLES, Prince of Tyre.
HELICANUS & ESCANES, two Lords of Tyre.
SIMONIDES, King of Pentapolis.
CLEON, Governor of Tarsus.
LYSIMACHUS, Governor of Mitylene.
CERIMON, a Lord of Ephesus.
THALIARD, a Lord of Antioch.
PHILEMON, Servant to Cerimon.
LEONINE, Servant to Dionyza.
A Pandar.
BOULT, his Servant.

The Daughter of Antiochus.
DIONYZA, Wife to Cleon.
THAISA, Daughter to Simonides.
MARINA, Daughter to Pericles and Thaisa.
LYCHORIDA, Nurse to Marina.
A Bawd.

Lords, Ladies, Knights, Gentlemen, Sailors, Pirates, Fishermen, and Messengers.


GOWER, as Chorus.

SCENE.Dispersedly in various Countries.

 Pericles - Prologue
 Act 1
 Act 2
 Act 3
 Act 4
 Act 5 - Creations Internet