The Comedy of Errors

The complete text of Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
SOLINUS, Duke of Ephesus.
ÆGEON, a Merchant of Syracuse.
ANTIPHOLUS of Ephesus, ANTIPHOLUS of Syracuse, Twin Brothers, sons to Ægeon and Æmilia.
DROMIO of Ephesus, DROMIO of Syracuse, Twin Brothers, attendants on the two Antipholuses.
BALTHAZAR, a Merchant.
ANGELO, a Goldsmith.
Merchant, Friend to Antipholus of Syracuse.
A Second Merchant, to whom Angelo is a debtor.
PINCH, a Schoolmaster and a Conjurer.

ÆMILIA, Wife to Ægeon, an Abbess at Ephesus.
ADRIANA, Wife to Antipholus of Ephesus.
LUCIANA, her Sister.
LUCE, Servant to Andriana.
A Courtezan.

Gaoler, Officers, and other Attendants.


 Act 1
 Act 2
 Act 3
 Act 4
 Act 5 - Creations Internet