Near the Camp of COMINIUS. |
Enter COMINIUS and Forces, retreating. |
Com. Breathe you, my friends: well fought; we are come off |
Like Romans, neither foolish in our stands, |
Nor cowardly in retire: believe me, sirs, |
We shall be charg'd again. Whiles we have struck, |
By interims and conveying gusts we have heard |
The charges of our friends. Ye Roman gods! |
Lead their successes as we wish our own, |
That both our powers, with smiling fronts encountering, |
May give you thankful sacrifice. |
Enter a Messenger. |
Thy news? |
Mess. The citizens of Corioli have issu'd, |
And given to Lartius and to Marcius battle: |
I saw our party to their trenches driven, |
And then I came away. |
Com. Though thou speak'st truth, |
Methinks thou speak'st not well. How long is 't since? |
Mess. Above an hour, my lord. |
Com. 'Tis not a mile; briefly we heard their drums: |
How couldst thou in a mile confound an hour, |
And bring thy news so late? |
Mess. Spies of the Volsces |
Held me in chase, that I was forc'd to wheel |
Three or four miles about; else had I, sir, |
Half an hour since brought my report. |
Com. Who's yonder, |
That does appear as he were flay'd? O gods! |
He has the stamp of Marcius; and I have |
Before-time seen him thus. |
Mar. [Within.] Come I too late? |
Com. The shepherd knows not thunder from a tabor, |
More than I know the sound of Marcius' tongue |
From every meaner man. |
Enter MARCIUS. |
Mar. Come I too late? |
Com. Ay, if you come not in the blood of others, |
But mantled in your own. |
Mar. O! let me clip ye |
In arms as sound as when I woo'd, in heart |
As merry as when our nuptial day was done, |
And tapers burn'd to bedward. |
Com. Flower of warriors. |
How is 't with Titus Lartius? |
Mar. As with a man busied about decrees: |
Condemning some to death, and some to exile; |
Ransoming him, or pitying, threat'ning the other; |
Holding Corioli in the name of Rome, |
Even like a fawning greyhound in the leash, |
To let him slip at will. |
Com. Where is that slave |
Which told me they had beat you to your trenches? |
Where is he? Call him hither. |
Mar. Let him alone; |
He did inform the truth: but for our gentlemen, |
The common file—a plague! tribunes for them!— |
The mouse ne'er shunn'd the cat as they did budge |
From rascals worse than they. |
Com. But how prevail'd you? |
Mar. Will the time serve to tell? I do not think. |
Where is the enemy? Are you lords o' the field? |
If not, why cease you till you are so? |
Com. Marcius, we have at disadvantage fought, |
And did retire to win our purpose. |
Mar. How lies their battle? Know you on which side |
They have plac'd their men of trust? |
Com. As I guess, Marcius, |
Their bands i' the vaward are the Antiates, |
Of their best trust; o'er them Aufidius, |
Their very heart of hope. |
Mar. I do beseech you, |
By all the battles wherein we have fought, |
By the blood we have shed together, by the vows |
We have made to endure friends, that you directly |
Set me against Aufidius and his Antiates; |
And that you not delay the present, but, |
Filling the air with swords advanc'd and darts, |
We prove this very hour. |
Com. Though I could wish |
You were conducted to a gentle bath, |
And balms applied to you, yet dare I never |
Deny your asking: take your choice of those |
That best can aid your action. |
Mar. Those are they |
That most are willing. If any such be here— |
As it were sin to doubt—that love this painting |
Wherein you see me smear'd; if any fear |
Lesser his person than an ill report; |
If any think brave death outweighs bad life, |
And that his country's dearer than himself; |
Let him, alone, or so many so minded, |
Wave thus, to express his disposition, |
And follow Marcius. [They all shout, and wave their swords; take him up in their arms, and cast up their caps. |
O! me alone? Make you a sword of me? |
If these shows be not outward, which of you |
But is four Volsces? None of you but is |
Able to bear against the great Aufidius |
A shield as hard as his. A certain number, |
Though thanks to all, must I select from all: the rest |
Shall bear the business in some other fight, |
As cause will be obey'd. Please you to march; |
And four shall quickly draw out my command, |
Which men are best inclin'd. |
Com. March on, my fellows: |
Make good this ostentation, and you shall |
Divide in all with us. [Exeunt. |
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