King Henry the Sixth - Part 3 Another Part of the Field
Another Part of the Field |
Excursions. Enter RICHARD and CLIFFORD. |
Rich. Now, Clifford, I have singled thee alone. |
Suppose this arm is for the Duke of York, |
And this for Rutland; both bound to revenge, |
Wert thou environ'd with a brazen wall. |
Clif. Now, Richard, I am with thee here alone. |
This is the hand that stabb'd thy father York, |
And this the hand that slew thy brother Rutland; |
And here's the heart that triumphs in their death |
And cheers these hands that slew thy sire and brother, |
To execute the like upon thyself; |
And so, have at thee! [They fight. WARWICK enters; CLIFFORD flies. |
Rich. Nay, Warwick, single out some other chase; |
For I myself will hunt this wolf to death. [Exeunt. |
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